By Tarman Engineering, Inc.

You can now have a basic custom designed website at a special introductory price, which includes:

Website hosting, Domain name, Email account, Home page, product/services guide page, company information
page, meta-search key words, search engine submittal, and a backup copy of your website.

This is NOT the simple fill-in-the-blanks template web page being offered by many companies!  This is a custom
website designed to meet YOUR individual needs.   The design process begins with a review of YOUR needs,
making an outline of what YOU want on your website, and then designing and revising your website online,
including 12 months of customer support.

The cost of this package is a one-time setup fee of $499.00 plus $39.95 per month for the next 12 months.  After
the first year, monthly fees will vary between $17.95 and $39.95 depending on the amount of support required.

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Please contact us if you have website needs in addition to what we describe here.

Website hosting.

Tarman Engineering will set up your complete website, including custom page designs described below with your
text and graphics, and email.   Your website will be hosted by
Yahoo.com, one of the oldest, most reliable, and
most profitable internet companies.

Domain name, (www, yourname.com).

This includes a new domain name of your choice.  If you have previously registered a domain there may be
additional charges by your registration company to direct your domain name to our servers.

Email account (yourname@yourname.com).

Setup of one email account is included.  All email sent to this address can automatically be forwarded to your
existing email account, so no changes would be needed in your existing email system.  Other types of email
delivery can also be arranged.  More email accounts can be added to your service at any time.

Home page.

This is the single screen page people will see when they go to www.yourname.com.  It is your business card on the
web, and it should contain your company name, with links to contact and other information.  In addition we will
include your company motto, or a statement of what your company does, along your company logo, graphics and
pictures that you think provide the best image of your company.  For clarity this page should display on one
computer screen to eliminate scrolling.

Company product/services guide summary page.

This is your sales brochure on the web, it will be linked to the main page and will contain a detailed description of
the products and services your company provides, including text descriptions, pictures and graphics, of your
choice, links to other websites your viewers may be interested in, and a link back to the main page.  This page will
be limited to 5 full screens of information that the viewer can access.

Company Contact page.

This page contains information about how to contact your company.  It may include the mailing address, phone/fax
numbers, and email addresses that viewers can respond to.  In addition the page might include a picture of your
facility, or map to its location, for example.

Company Information/About page.

This page may contain information such as additional product information, or a company history.  It is really a
place to put whatever you consider important for people to know about your company, it may contain descriptions,
photographs and links to other websites, as well as links to the other pages in your website.  This page will be
limited to 2 full screens of information that the user can scroll through.

Meta-search key words.

Meta-search key words are included in the home page, this is not included by many web designers.  These words
are picked up when search engines access your page and become part of the search criteria.  For example, if your
business is widgets, then widget should be included in the key word list.  Then, when your website is accessed by a
search engine, the word widget will be stored, and someone searching for widgets should be able to find your

Search engine submittal.

Search engine submittal increases the likelihood that people looking for your products will find your company.  
We will submit your new home page URL to at least 3 of the most popular search engines.  These submittals tend
to change over time, currently they may include Yahoo, Netscape, and Google.


After your website is complete, a CD containing all of the website files will be provided.